Everyone is moving in so many directions this time of year. Be careful what you are missing.
I watched a YouTube video the other day - one person picked up a wallet dropped by a shopper and followed them to return it. That person helped a senior with her packages across the street. The senior gave a young woman the change she needed for the parking meter……
You get the picture. (See Below)
Remember the movie – “Pay it Forward” – that’s what was happening and although it had likely be choreographed for the video if you stop to think of your every day routines you’ll have to admit, kindness is contagious.
Buyers would not commonly choose this time of year to buy so they are likely dealing with a job change or transfer – which means kids changing schools and leaving friends ... not happy about it. Spouses upset for the timing of the pending move – a new community, new friends – a job change for them that was not planned.
REALTORS®, while preparing their own homes for Christmas, are frantically getting their yearend paper work done for the tax man – perhaps noticing they didn’t make all the installment payments they should have and the start of the New Year will be a little lean – especially given the market and economic climate they have been working through this last 24 months. The tax man doesn’t care if the market is struggling. Listening to upset clients and their children complain about the move, or, “the yard is not big enough”, or “the school is not close enough”, falls into a distant din as they think about what to get for their own children that is affordable, and will still put a smile on their faces.
Remember….. ‘Kindness is contagious so this Christmas Season – and throughout the New Year – be the first link in that chain.
Many Blessings of the Season to you and your families from me and mine.
When the going gets "Tough"...just call me.
Susan Tough